Sakura The Bear Beanie Baby
Introducing Sakura The Bear, a charming addition to your Beanie Baby collection! Sakura, released on 19/02/2001 and retired on 26/07/2001, is a delightful pale pink bear with captivating black button eyes and a larger black nose. She wears a pale pink, mesh ribbon tied around her neck, adding to her adorable charm. Notably, Sakura features an embroidered, pink cherry blossom on her chest.
Release Date: 19/02/2001
Retirement Date: 26/07/2001
Sakura holds a special place as a Japanese exclusive Beanie Baby and was the first all pink bear in the Beanie Baby collection.
Condition: This Sakura The Bear Beanie Baby is in used condition. Please assess the condition from the provided pictures or feel free to request more images if needed.
Shipping: All orders ship within 5 business days.
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